How you can help
Get Involved
The home is funded from individual donations and despite active fundraising there is a constant shortage of funds to support our maintenance and further development. Most of the donations cover the costs of meals and tuition fees for schooling but often fall short of meeting our day-to-day running costs.
Lighthouse complies with its statutory requirements of being audited annually, filing its accounts, and filing its tax returns.
We have seen many supporters come and go but what we need most is stable income to allow us to allocate the resources we need for each child throughout their stay with us.
It costs us RM 12,000 Malaysian Ringgits (approximately US $ 2,700) to provide our care and support services per child per year. Our total running costs annually, including our total child care costs, come to RM 800,000 per year (or approximately US $ 184,000). These funds would support children's education, meals and clothing, rental and utilities for 4 homes, health care, tuition fees and scholarships for all our 63 children.
Your funds will help stop the frustrating cycle of not being able to plan more than a month at a time, and will give us a chance to look beyond and design a plan for sustaining Lighthouse into the future.
Without a secure income we fear some terrible tangible impacts including inability to pay our rental for the 5 homes every month, children being at risk of having to return to violent and abusive family contexts, lack of ability to pay school and tuition fees for college and university education, and health issues arising from the stress of continuous insecurity and pressure for those running the Lighthouse.
Your support will allow our children to become engaged and positive role models of citizens with equal chances to thrive in life!
Let's Make A Change
Here are some ways you can get involved: